This is how the pool started, more than 60 years ago ... with neighbors pitching in to help build a pool for the neighborhood.

The developers of the Robin Hill neighborhood made a proposal: We will donate three lots if you can raise the money (and contribute time and effort) to build a pool
The result is the photo you see here, from 1956.
The caption reads, "Members of the Robin Hill Recreational Association pitch in with some volunteer labor at the construction site of the association's new swimming pool at Forty-Eighth and Valley Streets. The men are laying a rock wall and painting the bathhouse to help shave costs. The 25-thousand-dollar* private pool, to be used by families belonging to the association, is expected to open in about a week."
* $25,000 in 1956 would be equivalent to $211,095 today.
Now, it's time to get the pool ready for the
next 60 years.
Check out our Renovation Plans
Since 2014, we have completed Phases One, Two, and Three of our plans. This required the pool to be closed during the 2014 season (but it re-opened in July 2015). Phases Two and Three were completed during the 2019 season (the big pool opened one week late and the baby pool officially re-opened in July 2019).
This campaign will help set the direction of the pool for the next 50 years and is already making a significant impact.
You may make a donation using the link at the bottom of the page or mail your check (payable to "Robin Hill Recreation Association")
to PO Box 6651, Omaha NE 68106.
Please note: Donations to the Robin Hill Recreation Association are not tax deductible...but they are very much appreciated!